Category Archives: Phoenix

Magazine Picks America’s Healthiest Airport (PHX wins!)

health-mag-december-97Health magazine has researched and chosen their top U.S. airports according to healthy environments.

Phoenix Sky Harbor (PHX) leads the pack, and I agree with them. I’ve used the airport at least a dozen times in the past year since I moved here.

This is the criteria they used.

Come to Phoenix and see for yourself!

Man Attacks Speed Camera with Pickax…

The statewide speed cameras are really getting people upset down here in the Valley of the Sun. Especially this misguided guy…

DATELINE: Arizona — A 26-year-old man faces criminal charges after being accused of using a pickax to attack a speed enforcement camera recently installed along a Phoenix-area freeway.

Other Strange News:

Dog tries to rescue dog that was hit by car
Neb. ‘Butt Bandit’ gets 13 months in jail
Frugal farmer leaves $2M to his tiny Pa. church
NYC fashion boutique: free soup, designer pants
Man arrested after cops find crack in his vomit
Man accused of stabbing himself to frame ex-friend
Man comes home, finds drunk man asleep on floor
Woman accused of trying to smoke pot near officer
Job seeker with MBA posts resume in taxi back seat
Students get sick after eating peer-prepared food

thx ::: &

“Yahoo Glue” :: One Search for All Kinds of Results…All On 1 Page

y_glue_logoI really like this idea. Check out the results for a search query on “phoenix, az.”